Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Is there an age limit/minimum to playing games?

Oh we have all been there. Yep there are a few younger people over to play today. Are they ready to play DND/Pathfinder?

Heck I was playing when I was 10. I remember. Now some people say that the very subjects like killing your enemies and venturing into an unknown or knowable environment means we should wait util some kids are teens have the problem you got a group and you want to play but you can't leave anyone out. You could have them sit next to you and play the fighter or something. Other players often don't want to play with the younger folk until they get to be 20.

I will admit there are people on all sides of the issue. ONE if you have someone younger playing there is always someone to play with. You now have welcomed the new geek to the fold. They may be a good player after all. They might start down the path of wanting to know more and more about games. They could after some time even RUN the game. Yes to be able to train an acolyte to set before so you can play. To mold one in ones own image, to infuse them with your EVIL,  To set them on your players and watch as your 'apt pupil' enthralls them all the time you pulling the strings...oh wait...back to the subject at hand.

It takes about ten years to get someone ready to run a really good game, so there is that. Having something in common to share with your nieces and nephews something that is UNIQUE to you, is cool. You might be different and do all this arts and cool stuff, but being the ambassadorial representative  to geek culture and having cooler stuff to play with and do might provide them with an alternative to foot ball team and other things. Remember a good part of the game is learning how to think on ones own. To be able to watch the great escape and think to yourself "I did that on Thrusday ,ho hum." Is something they will always remember. Most of the game is story telling in one form or another, and those stories are something they will remember the rest of their lives. I remember an incident where my 12 year old cousin said when I was in college "I am running away to be at Michael's house we aer going to play games all the time and NEVER have to watch stupid tv again." yes my Aunt was crest fallen. if you really think what is better for a child to watch tv all the time OR play a social game, hmm. In any case most kids can get down rules to games at eight years old.

Understanding what is going on takes a bit longer. Just because you can understand the rules doesn't make you a grand master and you will have to curb your game around them. Certain subjects you just can't do. No sacrificing them on alters. Also you can never tell what they would be up to. You may be surprised just have creative a 12 year old CAN and will be. Also including younger brothers and sisters in on what you do means that later they will include you in what they are doing. You may want that later.

Any way have a GREAT WEEKEND


Go to any gamer shop today and you can see people have all kinds of things they use to keep track of things.  Some people keep characters on sheets that are paper or computer in one form or another. Me I like everyone to put that computer crap away. I understand it's easier to write up characters on sheets and hard labor on computer in a few seconds. BUT WAIT, please don't go that way. It's a tough gig to sit at a table with people that are engaged in tech and it's like trying to run a game while the tv is on.

 When people just have paper and books and no tech I actually find people think more about what they are doing. THEY INTERACT. There is NO TEXTING in RPG that is live. Doesn't really matter what system. People can play faster with monsters on computer YES, but they can't get the interaction they get in a live over the table game. You don't get the group interaction that you need to have a good game if everyone is engaged in the game that you have come to play.

One of the things that never seems to be able to replace the mechanics of the game is DICE. You love your dice you hate your dice, but as people play with dice they get a feeling that they can control the outcome of the dice by willing it. This is a self delusion, ask any casino owner, it's a real emotion though ask any gambler.
If you roll dice in your hands there is something about the experience that changes the fun level.

 When you play a game, it's a game that has rules that you can change the outcome by your being a better player. If you play a game that rules can be the outcome of players actions, then the rules of cowboys and indians(or tax collectors) come into play. Dice mitigate the need to say who hits and who is dead by how much, but also ad that degree of chance and the OOOOHHHH and AWWWWEE factor that you can't get at home.  Also set piece games don't ask if you you are a good or bad person. RPG's do often(or at least they should).

When you play a game like Dungeons And Dragons...Well people that are there are heros! To stand in front and fight the good fight or at least get away with the treasure.

To me you can sit at home and play on computer but part of the special time you have with your freinds playing a game is the interaction and not computerized addition or subtraction.

What to do you think?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

In Salt Lake City, I visit several local game stores. I like HASTUR games for actual WAR HAMMER 40k it's got to be the best store in Salt Lake.

I go to GAME HAVEN>...HEAVY DUTY Magic store. CCG store you go there and they have private rooms you can book in advance. They have tons of board games you can check out and play. It is a great place to just hang out. Normally you can see 10 to 20 magic players hanging out here. IT DOES have a great enviroment for many different types of players.

I often visit epic games like tonight on Wensdays. RPG NIGHT. Many players here that are here for Dungeons and Dragons and other types of RPG. This is a great place to play magic on Saturdays it is wall to wall magic players up to 100 magic players during tourneys.

A new store that was an old store in the West Valley mall has moved to Just on the side of reams Called GAME DEN. IT's not as neat in side and doesn't have the feel of a traditional store yet, but IT DOES have tons of magic players that hang out with Yugi Oh and other card game players including Pokemon players. If you want to try something different you can go here. It doesn't though have games you can play. Not yet at least.

Was at EPIC GAMES in West Valley City today.
Ok ran a bit of pathfinder as we all sort of got there a bit past six and no Encounters game was being run.

Here is a cute riddle for you to try. "You come to an end of the hall way. On the wall in front of you in large script reads. "You come to the end paths that are untrue, but the soldiers you see one tells lies and one tells the true pick a path though that to win you must go over and under and through."

On each side of the hall way stands what looks like a door made of wooden statues. One on the right is a man and one is a woman. They both speak to the group as the party comes near them. They will argue with each other. They are in fact false doors. The wall in front is false and falsely blocks the way. Touching the wall causes a party member to vanish and appear on the other side of the wall inside a room with Manticore. That is sleeping and piles of treasure that the group has been instructed only to take a sword lying in the hands of a dead warrior. TRY THIS OUT> IT WORKS> the party will get stuck on trying to open the doors for a good hour or so. Not the toughest battles are hard fought. Some are role played out.
Michael Tanner

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hey you want to know a bit about GAME OF THRONES ...CHECK THIS OUT>

Season 3 filmingEdit

  • 4 July 2012: George R.R. Martin has confirmed that Daenerys Targaryen's storyarc in Slaver's Bay will be filmed in Morocco.[397]
  • 9 July 2012: Filming of Season 3 begins.[398] Daniel Minahan is directing the first episode to be filmed, but it is also revealed that Clive Mantle will not be reprising his role of the Greatjon Umber.[399]Liam Cunninghamsigns a six-year contract to reprise his role of Davos Seaworth, suggesting that HBO envisage the series lasting as long as eight seasons.[400]
Alright I was listing to things today that were funny and obscure and well GEEKY...LOOK IT UP it's not in the dictionary YET if you say it enough English will make it a word.
OK if you are a writer or star trek fan or something YOU WILL LOVE THIS.
Physics for Poets.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Today being Saturday I know what everyone wants to know about food for your gaming event. PIZZA IS GREAT, it's cheap, you can get away with just getting the five buck kind and everyone will like it. YEP no matter what in your gaming group cheap soda and pizza can be the way to go. Now things that you might not want. A: Food with BEANS in it. If you are going to sit in a room for several hours drink soda pop and what ever else things that contain or promote methane are OUT.  There is a long list of reasons for this but basically your having enough problems as it is meeting once a week if you can, so let's just say if it's got beans in it you can expect no girls to show up a second time.  B this is strickly for southern locactions...If you see a waffle house on the break time, skip it. It might go in smoothered and covered but it comes out scattered and splatted and you also don't need that.  C Our group loves to go to 7-11 because of location is ever so close, but you might think to just head them off at the pass, have some stuff on the table that doesn't have peanuts and things that people are allergic too. Cookies often have things in them that can cause bad things to happen. Ask people if they have allergies in notes if you have to. Also I havent' noticed a lot of vegetarians that do RPG's but make sure you always have something for everyone. People come to have fun, and also if you are going to someones house , bring a few things. No one gets mad about chips and a couple of two litters. It doesn't have to be expensive but it's nice.

If you are going to have food make sure you have NAPKINS.  Just paper towels will work.
Also have a rule about no drinks on the gaming table. People spend days working on characters and notes, and a spill is just bad news.

Many Gaming groups(not mine 100%) opperate on the 3c principles :Carbs, Caffine, Ciggerets. Now we don't smoke, but if you have a gamer that smokes have break times like every 30 minutes or so. Make everyone HAPPY.  Also even if you don't smoke break times are plotting and scheming and backstabbing planning times. Let everyone have that time to socialize outside of facebook.

Ok here is a big trick if you want your gal to come play make sure she knows that she can help make stuff for the PARTY. She knows you are going away for three to five hours and hates that. If she can be a part of it though and everyone says nice things about the things she made she will like that much more then' I am going to leave you for several hours, and hang out with strange people you don't know." The power of inclusion is very important. This is a very social occasion, and even if she doesn't play now might just want to be around the people. Well they are YOUR friends,so that might be a stretch. Just make sure she knows that you want her to come anytime and if you get desperate say you could be like other guys and watch football at hooters if she doesn't like this. :)

Hey that's all for to work on the material for next week. HANG IN THERE GANG!
Michael Tanner.

Friday, July 6, 2012

We are a bit behind getting the answers back from people, but I know we will have more soon. RIGHT!
Any way we are up to some 117 page views YES. Thanks everyone please send email to I will try to respond quicky. Events? Quesitions QUESTS? We want to hear it.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Today I welcome several new readers from Germany and Russia with love! I hope you all find the posts something to look forward too. Several new questions for readers come to mind.

1. When are your new posts from guests going to be online?
There is a great list of excuses I have been working on but mostly since I am doing this on my own I have to schedual the interviews and get my question list together, but We should have something wonderful up starting later today.
Nina Berman, will join us and talk about her NEW FILM. Yep hurray for hollywood is something to say.
We will also have some costume information and we will talk to the guys over at Anime BONZAI!

I hope to have all this stuff up on friday as I get this together. Several nice people have offered to help, so we look forward to that.

Next week we will pick books from the stack and tell you old and new books that are good to read. If you know someone that has a book that wants a review well it takes about six weeks for me to read a book and a day to write up the review.
Until then I will see you on the flip side.
So I am watching game of thrones, it's like a weird feeling. I met RRMARTIN in last years World Con. In Reno NV. I never read one of his books. HBO makes a great show. This show isn't about magic or dragons really, it has a touch, but it's more about people. Lots of sex, and that is a lot about people too. I am up to season 2 ep 2 just starting. It teaches a lot of lessons that people need to know.

DB Wies also writes in this show. I am watching it and thinking to myself what are the books like. I look at the stack of books and think, wow that is a BIG time comitment. So isn't everything worth doing? Life is to live and for now there is some thirteen more hours to go through.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

FIREWORKS in just a few minutes. I guess someone made a trip to WYOMING> I can see it...:)
Away it's getting dark around here soon. I hope everyone has a FUN TIME>
Till tomorrow.
Just Checked...this little blog has made some $2.43 o the blog WOO HOO.
See you tomorrow. Remember to click an ad for us, if you can.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I got together with several people to ad content to this blog. Hey I am lazy enough to know that I need help. Searching for new sites sounds and pics for geek-dom is really hard. So who do I got? I got some cool science fiction people to talk about the books they have. I got some really really hot looking girls to talk about the movies they are making. I got people to talk about the costumes they are making.

I know July fourth is on now. I usually would play RPG's with friends. I just am not going to be close enough to get there from here. So I will write and wait for the fireworks to work and hope for the best.

I sat down with my Pathfinder books today. I looked at the system. I noticed something. One round is six seconds of action. All actions are assumed to take place simultaneously, but in reality they take place in order of inititive. SO....roll high! get your d20 and 1 in 20 chance you will roll a 20. Now the chances that 2 people roll a 20 is 2x20 or forty to one. I am going to get my math expert to verify this...but going first in a gun fight means he who shoots first shoots LAST. If you are surprised you are flat footed and no dexiterty you have will help you. If you have a touch attack and attack someone that you surprise they don't get to count the armor OR SHIELD they wear. The attack roll you have to make is 10. so you think you got a fity fifty chance...Well the rules say that if you roll a one you miss NO MATTER WHAT. 20 means you hit no matter what. so the only way most people miss is 1 in 20 or a five percent chance to miss no matter what. (Unless its me and you have to 'discipline' the dice with a hammer to show them that I mean business.)

Ok you think it's a coin toss on surprise but take in account that it's your strength+roll+base attack roll +size mod=result. In this case the bigger you are the harder it is for you to hit something. So a halfling gets to start with a +1 for size. Ok but most of the time it's a medium on medium fight. In hand to hand. Your chances of of getting surpise this way are tough but doable. Now take a longer distace view. Ranged attack. With Range you can set up ambushes. It's tough to stop someone attacking from surprise this way. They see you they know your comming, and they are ready for you. It's BASE +Dex+ size modifier+ range penalty.  Also I would say if they are set up and waiting I give the edge to the bushwackers and disadvantage to the bush wack-ee. Say it's 10%  so you give +2 to initiative to attackers and -2 to defenders. Doesn't seem like much but that's an ABS or absolute vodka value of 4 swing. Twenty percentage points. Now do the inititive. If you under 30 feet with a bow, well let's hope they aren't using poison...I bet they are if they are ready for you. Maybe it's just drugs. Remember if you get surprise on someone they don't get to use dex. If all you have to do is get a ranged touch they don't get shield armor natural's as good as it gets. So spell casters take note always get the drop on people. I suggest that you always take the improved initiative feat to get that +4. Sleeping enemies rarely wake up. This is because a sword to the throat to a helpless enemy and a kind word is better then a kind word.

Shoot first shoot often and never let them get up. You can't question dead people(well you can but it's harder) but you get to live to talk about it. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

So you want to go adventuring, IT TAKES A VILLAGE.
Now you might think that things are easy on the western villages. As the adverage person there is a king that you never see and a lord which you do. You pay taxes to the local knight and he protects you from all the bad things that can happen to you, right? Well in the village is a the tavern. The church, the mill and other things that farmers need to make a life. If you want to have alcohol you don't always need to go to town but it's where you meet to talk.. There is no TV or internet most people cant read, so if you want to know what is happening there is a town crier.  If a cow goes missing there is a bailiff who is the local law. Justice in Medivel times is very quick. There really is no appeal process for most people. If you are going to have a wedding you need to see the tailor. Most people can not afford more then substance living.  A horse or mule was a god send. The land people worked was often a local lords. People were basically the property of the lord that owned the land.  People lived in tight knit communities and so therefore didn't talk to stranger much.  This means that people you know even though you may or may not like they you tend to trust more then people you just meet. People are highly superstitious and dont think of coincidence so if a bad thing happens and a stranger comes to town people can blame the stranger as a instigator or a witch!

In a world with magic there is always a reason for things happening. Having a local healer is valueable. If you have a cleric or a druid bless your crops and it works that is a direct result of a gods power. If there is a raid on a village then the gods must be angry with the village. A young man goes missing in the forest maybe the Fey people got him. Fortune or miss fortune is everywhere and there is a reason for it.

There are a few people in the village that are in every town. The village idot and the village drunk. Larger towns have beggars, and the town gossip. Adventures need these people sometimes so don't forget them. Prostitution is also everywhere. All sorts of drugs are available. Where drugs and prostitution exist so do pimps. Houses of illrepute and many other black market activities. Crime is where your a countries enemies live and do things for money. Smugglers often are the key contact for those that would do harm to a kingdom, slavers are not far behind. Are slaves leagle in your village if they are the costs of labor go down. Things matter.

Quick questions you need to answer for your village.
How many people are in the village.
Who runs the place.
How many shops does it have>
WHo owns those shops.
How big is the village in a miles?
Who is responcilbe to protect the village and or police it?
How is punishment met out to offenders>
How much money does the village how totally
How many magic items does a village have
Does this village have a temple> Who do the villagers worship? Is the temple alien to the villagers?
Does the village have wall? If so is there a curphew time?
What is the purpose of the village>doe it do trade is there a mill or some other reason it exists?
Is there something the village needs? How badly?

Well there is the monday adventure update. On WENS DAY we will be doing costumes...YES GENTLEMEN TO YOUR SEWING MACHINES....

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ok On the top is a knock out I got from facebook. And the lower picture is Nina Bergman who we are going to interview shortly.  Nina is a recording artist and in films. If you have any questions please post them up.

Maps, and handouts.

Ok Sunday. I got caught up in the real world such as it is. Ok I got caught up on earth when I should have been working on the blog and what we call the right things to do. I have to learn to post up the videos today if I can. If anyone know a bit about this then please share the info. I started to look at map generators. One that has positive reviews is CC3 or Campaign Cartographer. It works. 

You need to have a map to make a campaign. The very least you should start in a town that your adventurers can call a home. What motivates anyone more then the people they love. You are where you come from in many ways and in RPG it is important to have a place that is home to everyone in the group. It also makes a neat trigger for something to do when the characters are thinking about what to do next. Handing out a map for everyone to see might not be what the Players characters have but it helps for what the players need. Just like figures help the players see where they are and what they are doing in battle, having a map helps the players decided to go to places and do thing. Sitting around a table is a lot easier when everyone in the party has goals and dreams. Maps provide the place the characters can go to and do. Now you can spend $20 on a set of adventures but make sure they are on a map that you have somewhere, that way players can go back to places they didn't do so well at OR they can do many things that you may never have thought of. When ever you sit down to play you have to remember that your plan is expected to last about 10 seconds until the players do something else and take your careful plan and throw it out the window. Your job is the world, not to control or bead the players. As players spend time in dungeons that gives you time to fill in the map even more. Knowing that your Paladin wants that holy sword makes it so you can build someplace that has it.  Wizards always want new spells, Clerics want to convert the masses. A ranger wants to hunt his special enemy. If you don't have a map for them to look at they don't know where to go what to do what to argue about. If players know what they are going to do they know that they need each other to make it the better the game sessions can be. 

You can start with about 20 miles radius on a hex or grid map. Every square is about 1 square mile.  How far a person walking every three or four days should be about where a town can be. If you have a large sheet of butcher paper make a huge map. This is the outline.  I like to draw rivers and roads randomly and put other features like mountains and other features on it. Mountains make great places to put towns on each sides of roads. Look for key points for movement. There are few ways of moving large troops by flying so see rivers as highways and determine which way the rivers run. Remember you don't have to be perfect or even good drawing just that you have details in the map. You can fix it later on a computer or have a freind help you with it.

Well that's for Sunday make up class, I got to go but HAVE FUN!