Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I got together with several people to ad content to this blog. Hey I am lazy enough to know that I need help. Searching for new sites sounds and pics for geek-dom is really hard. So who do I got? I got some cool science fiction people to talk about the books they have. I got some really really hot looking girls to talk about the movies they are making. I got people to talk about the costumes they are making.

I know July fourth is on now. I usually would play RPG's with friends. I just am not going to be close enough to get there from here. So I will write and wait for the fireworks to work and hope for the best.

I sat down with my Pathfinder books today. I looked at the system. I noticed something. One round is six seconds of action. All actions are assumed to take place simultaneously, but in reality they take place in order of inititive. SO....roll high! get your d20 and 1 in 20 chance you will roll a 20. Now the chances that 2 people roll a 20 is 2x20 or forty to one. I am going to get my math expert to verify this...but going first in a gun fight means he who shoots first shoots LAST. If you are surprised you are flat footed and no dexiterty you have will help you. If you have a touch attack and attack someone that you surprise they don't get to count the armor OR SHIELD they wear. The attack roll you have to make is 10. so you think you got a fity fifty chance...Well the rules say that if you roll a one you miss NO MATTER WHAT. 20 means you hit no matter what. so the only way most people miss is 1 in 20 or a five percent chance to miss no matter what. (Unless its me and you have to 'discipline' the dice with a hammer to show them that I mean business.)

Ok you think it's a coin toss on surprise but take in account that it's your strength+roll+base attack roll +size mod=result. In this case the bigger you are the harder it is for you to hit something. So a halfling gets to start with a +1 for size. Ok but most of the time it's a medium on medium fight. In hand to hand. Your chances of of getting surpise this way are tough but doable. Now take a longer distace view. Ranged attack. With Range you can set up ambushes. It's tough to stop someone attacking from surprise this way. They see you they know your comming, and they are ready for you. It's BASE +Dex+ size modifier+ range penalty.  Also I would say if they are set up and waiting I give the edge to the bushwackers and disadvantage to the bush wack-ee. Say it's 10%  so you give +2 to initiative to attackers and -2 to defenders. Doesn't seem like much but that's an ABS or absolute vodka value of 4 swing. Twenty percentage points. Now do the inititive. If you under 30 feet with a bow, well let's hope they aren't using poison...I bet they are if they are ready for you. Maybe it's just drugs. Remember if you get surprise on someone they don't get to use dex. If all you have to do is get a ranged touch they don't get shield armor natural armor...it's as good as it gets. So spell casters take note always get the drop on people. I suggest that you always take the improved initiative feat to get that +4. Sleeping enemies rarely wake up. This is because a sword to the throat to a helpless enemy and a kind word is better then a kind word.

Shoot first shoot often and never let them get up. You can't question dead people(well you can but it's harder) but you get to live to talk about it. 

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