Thursday, July 5, 2012

Today I welcome several new readers from Germany and Russia with love! I hope you all find the posts something to look forward too. Several new questions for readers come to mind.

1. When are your new posts from guests going to be online?
There is a great list of excuses I have been working on but mostly since I am doing this on my own I have to schedual the interviews and get my question list together, but We should have something wonderful up starting later today.
Nina Berman, will join us and talk about her NEW FILM. Yep hurray for hollywood is something to say.
We will also have some costume information and we will talk to the guys over at Anime BONZAI!

I hope to have all this stuff up on friday as I get this together. Several nice people have offered to help, so we look forward to that.

Next week we will pick books from the stack and tell you old and new books that are good to read. If you know someone that has a book that wants a review well it takes about six weeks for me to read a book and a day to write up the review.
Until then I will see you on the flip side.

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