Thursday, June 21, 2012

The great CHALLENGE. So you play Dungeons and Dragons, well let's say you do anyway. If you do you play one of eight versions. Latly it seems from wizards of the coast for ever after as wotc that Dungeons and Dragons 4.0 is all about combat. Look at the system it's about powers and not skills. It's set up to fight and not role play. Now Pathfinder on the other hand well if you have played dnd since the early eighties like me, you can role play in it just fine. If you have a PLAY a game you play a board game that lasts for hours. Role playing isn't like that. You socialize for hours. You act out your characters part. YOU are never going to WIN not completely, and when you RPG you don't want to. "Alexander reached India and wept for there were no more lands to conquer." Your characters and if you RUN the game your players want to be challenged but TPK(Total party kill) kills the game just as much or more as when everyone comes to do a set piece battle that takes three hours to do. IF the game is all about fighting there is no cunning in the game, and there is only one way to solve problems. We fight win or die. So to do that you have to have fights. Because you can never slip by the enemy. You can't negotiate and you will never charm them out of it. Your character has motives beyond his/her alignment. But if you are always fighting it doesn't matter what your alignment is your character will never find out. So what's good about 4.0....well it never lets' your character run out of things he can do. Your powers are always on. You have certain things you can don only once a day and somethings you can do only in encounters. Some things are at will. You get ALOT more hit points to balence out all the power effects that characters get. Your characters can heal themselves OFTEN because they have to. It's like character inflation. Your character is all puffed up at first level like what he use to be at 5th level. This is a situation though of "Man of steel Woman of Kleenex". You are now tougher BUT everything else is on steroids now to make up for it.  It does do a slow motion fix like you are playing final fantasy...with fantasy not so much. Where is catching the Pegasus to fly to the moon aspect? How do we get there from here?

If you want to look close to find out if you are different when you play Pathfider Vs other games...well in pathfinder there is a list of vocabulary words you should know right in the book! Take that one to a high school English teacher(which we need harsher penalties for) and have them grade what level it's on.

Well is my first post on this subject in years, there is PATHFINDER>...Yep go to anyone of the gaming stores around and many people just arn't playing 4.0 they play 3.0 3.5 OR PATHFINDER. There are worlds of things to do and if you think about it when you choose a system often you are choosing the world. Anyone that has played Runequest in the red book knows that the world is the fun to move around and discover. Pathfinder has all that because you can buy the first book for 50 bucks...*GRUNT I KNOW* but play forever with out the other books.

  The Bestery is like the old AD&D monster manuals and they have lots of those types of books. The Game masters book isn't like the first Dungeons Master Guide that I started out with. You know you might have an addiction or affinity with a book when you can feel the pages and turn to the page without looking. My first Big Demon Dungeon Masters Guide use to Scar the shit out of my Mormon Teachers. Yep...GOOD TIMES. Combined with my Deities and Demi Gods book with Storm Bringer in it...oh yes...I had that. I was starting my own cult of devoted players. 
  Now people would tell people that I was doing wrong. I often thought they would rather I was doing drugs or something like drinking they could understand. Well anyway we are talking about Pathfinder, Pathfinder you can play quickly just by grabbing pre-gened characters in the back of the Game Masters Guide. Clever way of saying dungeon master guide. you know you have it when you see the BIG BLUE DRAGON on it and a FRICKEN LICH. Yep nothing scares me more then a 20+ wizard/cleric that has had a few hundred years to perfect it's craft and is totally evil.
Now back to our program, it would seem there seems to be a fascination with power gaming. Yep everyone wants to be powerful, but there are boarders that even the most avid munchkin shouldn't cross. If you want to prove this have all your characters start out with 18's in all ability scores and then show them that it's not the ability scores, it's playing that people love. If you make skills important then players will pick things like swimming and bluff checks and try them. Combat should be once a session and only if necessarily and if your game system is really all about combat then you will see characters trying to use combat more. You can in pathfinder make all your characters with ability stats point system, but if you want a bit more flavor stick with 4d6 throw out the lowest die and make everyone do them in order. This will change the types of characters that will be played and ad more challenges to the game. 

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