Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday! Have you ever wondered what it would be really like to be one of those smooth operator guys? I mean the really cool guy that can wink at someone and they just like you? Well if you play Pathfinder you can learn all about that in today's' rogue section.

In a tea shop bearing the marks of the broken heart locket, near the fishmonger in the City State of Keivus sits an elf who is beautiful and serves the most exotic of brews. She is dressed in nobles clothing. Her hair is set just so that you can see the exotic eastern pins she uses to keep it together. A young man sets his sites on a silver spoon or two and as he is about to make his way off his prize, she steps in front of him and offers a knife in a scabbard. "Is this yours my young friend?" She says to him sweetly. Her golden and sliver eyes piercing his. He checks his pockets and chest for other belongings. He smiles and says "Yes I most have lost that when I was sitting at that table over there. Thank you for finding it for me. As a matter of fact I think I have something of yours." The teenager produces the silverware and she smiles at him. "Young sir we are all forgetful, some of us though, would not think of letting you leave so soon without offering you a bit to eat and something to chew on for later." She said as she gleamed in her eyes and faster then any of we waiters could blink she had the knife back in his scabbard. She pointed at me and said "You bring us something to eat, and some of that good bread. My young friend and I will be in egaged in the private room. " she commanded. "Yes mistress". I said. I bustled to bring her what she wanted, and she brought the young man back to a private room usually used for nobles and merchants. My mistress had other ideas today though. It was unusual so this is what I over heard from her that day and I swore myself never to speak of it but that was many years ago and I think there is much to learn from this tale I was quiet even for cat when I heard her talk to the young man:

"Let the warriors fight but you are a lover by heart. Some people want all the glory but really you are here to win. Two guards on the front door no problem we can dress up as one of those guys and slip in and join the service in the temple. Change of cloths later we work in the kitchen and after hiding in the closet for a while you can then make your way to the High Priests treasure trove. No need to wake anyone up, but while we are here why not listen in to what the High Priest will be doing for the next few days from the workers complaining about it.

Making yourself useful as a rogue is all part of the job. How do you know all about those locks and tumblers and traps? You have been trained to deal with those. You don't wear all that noisy armor, and always benefit 'from the generosity of strangers.'  While some say being a rogue is all about back stabbing and skull drudgery, It more then that. As a rogue you don't ever want to leave a body behind or kill anyone because that's not being profesional. You want to get in and out with out ever letting them know your have ever been there. You are a ghost. You can benefit from allies but many times they just don't understand you.
And it's tough to understand anyone that would want to be anything else but free. There is a great big world out there and it owes you something, could it be just a good life with good friends? And you really don't want to have a fight with anyone not really. Also why tell the truth when a lie will work. Actually other people have public honor but you find yourself playing by a set of rules in a way that far surpass others. You are you because you know who you are when no one is looking. You don't seek the rewards of high office, you are much too honest for that.

Some would want for the Satyr life but a rogue always has work. Whether for good or evil profit is involved and you mean to collect. Some say that to win a war is to have the best troops or the largest army. They have a place to be sure, but a rogue can and does find work gathering information on the enemy and when it comes down to it no one can negotiate like a man with a kind word and a dagger left in the bed of an enemy. For heavy rests the head of the king, but sometimes reminding him from time to time that no matter what he does, you can still reach out and touch him at any time, at any place, including having one of your operatives be the royal taste tester, says that you are not a man to be trifled with. Sending dozens to accomplish a task when only one is needed to set a shipment on fire, or assure the safety of the same shipment is the right call.

A person that has the right temperament and training can do well in the great city states, if only the nerve is there. It goes without saying a certain body shape is required for this type of profession. So keep in fine shape my freind you will go far."

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