Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Up in the night working on NEW Stuff. Tomorrow is Wensday, I will be working on new press releases for Steve Millers Book, Captain Justo, you pronounce that JEW STO. It's a neat book for the YA set. I will also be waiting to hear from our field agents about Spider Man 3.

It's very exciting to see all the new things coming out for e-pub. I just looked up reports for Amazon.com and there are two price points besides free people should be aware of. $.99 for 25% of sales and 2.99 for 39% of sales. So if you are releasing something soon these may be the prices to consider.

Several people may think that the new spider man movie has a staring role by a Brit, well that would be 1/2 right. Really the guy was born in the USA grew up in England from the time of  there three.

Today has been a really really busy day. I officed in my shorts and flash t-shirt today.
Talked to the local libraries to see where a book signing could take place and where to find the elusive writers clubs in Salt Lake City.

Wensday is RPG day or GAME DAY! So I will be running Pathfinder for a small group of players. I am hoping I will be up to the task. Our group has just started with a Socerer with earth elemental taint to it. We also have a wizard that is a bluffing master. He has a viper for a familiar. We also seem to have a Ranger now. They have tapped someones shoulders to be a cleric so what do we do now? My concern is that the party has no rogue. No real rough and tumble fighter, at first level you need that sort of thing. A monk could be good but won't get you by that nasty trap(not much at first level) or sneak down the hall way to peak at the enemy. THEY do have strong offensive abilities though. Also no quite sure how to handle a first level character that can burrow faster then he can walk. A gnome sorcerer is really cool though. Every party is very different. The encounters that I see are set for four characters. A couple figters and a cleric can do just fine. After looking at the rules I can see a half elf always being a sorcerer on hand. A really nasty combo would be a Fey Sorcerer with a rogue.

I don't really get into the six guns and sorcerer thing all that much when playing. It's alright but as a GM I need to be ready for the players to do anything that they want to do, and then let them live out that dream as characters. To me this is a game of knight princess and fairy tails(yes I do know how to spell tales). So if a guy wants to wear a stetson cowboy hat and a rope whip on his side like Indian Jones fine Raiders Of The Lost Tomb away. They are playing a game I am RUNNING a game and the game has to be fun FOR THEM. YEP. So I have this hang up about guns where people are wearing heavy armor, or armor at all because why would you? Well my idea is magical armor starts to be immune from it or actually LOWERS the damage from a hit not make it harder to hit. I like this very old idea. Or you can have guns but it's about how useful they would be. An example after you fire your one shot it takes forty seconds to reload. Now you have a club. Also magic using beings can shoot over and over again with out reloading so maybe you have gun but they just arn't as good as magic. Well off to watch a show KNIGHT>

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